入库时间:2024-10-31 11:21
Brooke Shields, ’80s icon and household name, was a child model before she came to prominence in Louis Malle’s controversial film Pretty Baby at age 12. With a series of provocative Calvin Klein jeans ads and leading roles in 1980s teensploitation hits The Blue Lagoon and Endless Love, Shields’ early career was defined by a sexuality that she could neither claim nor comprehend.
In this two-part documentary, director Lana Wilson (Miss Americana, 2020 Sundance Film Festival) reveals Shields’ story through media appearances and archival footage, bringing full context to the time when Shields was coming of age in public. Wilson creates space for the adult Shields to share her intelligence, vulnerability, and humanity while reflecting on her career and life, including her complex relationship with her mother, Teri, her marriage to Andre Agassi, and her own struggles with motherhood. Honest and incisive, Pretty Baby: Brooke Shields critiques a toxic culture and power structure that perpetuates misogyny and is complicit in the sexualization and objectification of young girls. But, above all, it tells the moving story of Brooke Shields discovering and embracing her own identity and agency.
本站观点: 放放在线于2024-10-31 11:21添加的该影片漂亮宝贝:波姬·小丝因为波姬·小丝等演员们给力,再加上剧情紧凑而有逻辑,剧情扣人心弦,令人难以抗拒,是一部不错的纪录片。故事情节富有想象力,跨度广泛,展现了人物的成长和转变,让人深入思考生命的意义和价值。大家对影片的评价是:还行吧,中规中规。到目前为止本月已有6 人次观看,本周新增1 人次观看,希望大家喜欢。如果您被《保镖2024》情绪感染或者有自己的观影评价,可以留言或评论哦。网站第一时间收集和整理漂亮宝贝:波姬·小丝的完整资源,并第一时间为大家更新漂亮宝贝:波姬·小丝的最新动态。以上是《漂亮宝贝:波姬·小丝》的剧情介绍、主演导演介绍以及资源分享,如果你觉《漂亮宝贝:波姬·小丝》好看,请分享给你的朋友一起观看!
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